Monday, April 30, 2012

Our Philosophy

Minerva Rewards..... A Company with a Purpose and a Vision

Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great make you feel that you, too, can become great. When you are seeking to bring big plans to fruition, it is important with whom you regularly associate. Hang out with friends who are like-minded and who are also designing purpose-filled lives. Similarly, be that kind of a friend for your friends. ~ Mark Twain

Click Here for Minerva Rewards

M -know your Master 
I- Identify your Why
N- Next mentality
D- Design your future 
S-Stay in your present (look at your past as a lesson learned, don't think about your future too much, plan today and visualize the impact it will have for your tomorrow) 
E- Encourage yourself( and remind yourself , your Master knows the plans He has for you)
T-Time ( It is going to take some time) and while your setting the pattern for your mindset ...go ahead and lower your IQ level (YOUR I QUIT level...have the mindset I am not going to quit no matter how long it takes. 

Yes- It's Time To Have Fun!!!!

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