Sunday, April 15, 2012

A New Business Model

Minerva Rewards Official Launch Date 

April 18-22 Is The Black Out
April 23-27 Time To Choose Your Positions
April 30 Official Launch Date

Create your 30 day story, 90 day story, 6 month story, and 1 year story.  The most critical decision you can make is how you get started with Minerva Rewards. The very first question new people will  ask you, is how did you get started.  The organizations that grow the fastest is the ones whose leaders came into the business, step up to the plate, started at the highest possible level, and lead by example; started to teach it, not for their benefit but the benefit of the entire organizations.  Leader of one is the leader of many.  April 30 company will go live.  Official launch date.  Lets change a lot of lifes and have lots of fun in the process.  

Welcome to Minerva Place To get to familiarize yourseld with what Minerva is all about here is somethinhgs to get started..
1) Introduction video

2) Webinar with Minerva President Charlie Culver

4) Minerva Place Blog

5) Recored call with Minerva Editor and Cheif Michael Lansbury 2-21-2012

7) Minerva Worldwide Youtube channel

9)  Minerva Rewards Official FB page

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